Potato cook - The best ways

Preparation for cooking

Gently rub the potatoes with a vegetable brush under running cold water potato cook. Most nutrients are preserved when the potatoes are cooked and eaten with the skin.
If peeling, use a vegetable peeler or sharp paring knife and maintain very thin layer,cook baked potato since most of the nutrients that are close to the skin.
Sometimes the potatoes are cut and uncooked take a pink or brown coloration potato cook. This is due to food in carbohydrates react with oxygen in the air. The potatoes that fade are safe to eat and not have to be discarded. The color usually disappears with cooking.
To preserve the color of the cut potatoes storing them in cold water and add lemon juice or a little vinegar cook baked potato. Steep water limited to two hours to keep the water soluble vitamins.

Potato cooking

It is a unique and special dish for every occasion potato cook.
Note to preserve the abundance of nutrients in potatoes are cooked in their skin. Steam or microwave the potatoes instead of boiling water seeps naturally some of the nutrients from food cooked in it.
If boiled, cook baked potato consider using this water to moisten their mashed potatoes or soup.


Refrigerate leftovers within two hours to prevent food-borne illnesses potato cook. Leftovers should be consumed within a few days.
It is not recommended to freeze baked potatoes at home become tears to overheat. The potato is 80 percent water; and when frozen, potato cook water is separated from the starch and nutrients.

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